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Duchess talks about her Black Lives Matter book on the John Williams Show
In this hour, John talked to listeners about the backlash against Donald Trumps comments about a Muslim military family. Then he spoke...

Talking about Discomfort & Disruption
Lena Katherine Gardner. Dr. Duchess Harris, Dr. Mahmoud El-Kati and Liz Loeb speak on a panel held at Springhouse Ministry Center in...

Duchess appears on TPT's Almanac to talk about Black Lives Matter
Macalester Professor Duchess Harris joins TPT in the studio to talk about her co-written classroom book on the topic of the Black Lives...

The significance of Obama's eulogy for slain Charleston pastor
President Obama's eulogy for Reverend Clementa Pinckney stirred the nation on Friday. Pinckney was the pastor of Emanuel African...

Harris interviewed on MPR about the life and legacy of Thurgood Marshall
The one-man show "Thurgood" opens tonight at the Illusion Theater. On this week's Friday Roundtable, MPR News' Tom Crann talked with...
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